

Suicide Prevention Crisis Lines

  1. Primary Crisis Hotline:
    • Phone Number: 150 (Kazakh National Mental Health Hotline)
    • Hours of Operation: 24/7
    • Additional Details: Free and confidential mental health support available in Kazakh and Russian. (
  1. Youth Helpline:
    • Phone Number: 8 800 080 150 (Youth Mental Health Hotline)
    • Hours of Operation: 24/7
    • Additional Details: Provides specialized emotional and psychological support for children and adolescents.
  1. Emergency Line:
    • Phone Number: 112
    • Notes: National emergency number for police, fire, and medical assistance, including mental health crises.
Suicide Prevention in Kazakhstan

Epidemiology of Suicide

Overall Statistics

  • Current Suicide Rate (per 100,000 people): 16.9 (2019 data). (org)
  • Trend Analysis:
    • Last 5 Years: Suicide rates in Kazakhstan have been declining slightly due to national prevention efforts, but youth and rural populations remain particularly vulnerable.

Demographic-Specific Insights

  1. By Gender:
    • Male Suicide Rate: Significantly higher than females, with men accounting for the majority of suicide deaths.
    • Female Suicide Rate: Lower overall, though rates of suicide attempts are higher among women, often linked to domestic violence and mental health challenges.
  1. By Age Groups:
    • Adolescents (15–24): Kazakhstan has one of the highest youth suicide rates in the region, driven by academic pressure, bullying, and mental health stigma.
    • Elderly (60+): Risks increase due to isolation, health challenges, and financial insecurity.
  1. Rural vs. Urban:
    • Suicide rates are higher in rural areas, where mental health resources are scarce, and social stigma discourages help-seeking.
  1. Special Groups:
    • Ethnic Minorities: Marginalized groups face higher risks due to socio-economic challenges and discrimination.
    • LGBTQIA+ Individuals: Elevated suicide risk linked to societal stigma, discrimination, and lack of inclusive mental health support.

Suicide Prevention Innovations

National Strategies and Policies

  • Overview: Kazakhstan has implemented a National Mental Health Program as part of its broader healthcare reform, with suicide prevention as a priority.
  • Key Elements:
    • Expansion of crisis helplines and community-based mental health services.
    • School-based programs to address bullying and promote mental health awareness.
    • Restricting access to means of suicide, including pesticides and firearms.

Specific Initiatives and Campaigns

  1. Public Awareness Campaigns:
    • Example: “Zhinel, Senemiz!” (“You Are Not Alone!”) campaign encourages open conversations about mental health and reduces stigma.
  1. Programs Targeting High-Risk Groups:
    • Youth Programs: Mental health education initiatives in schools aim to reduce suicide rates among teenagers.
    • Rural Outreach Programs: Mobile mental health clinics provide services to remote and underserved areas.
  1. Collaborative Efforts:
    • Partnerships with WHO, UNICEF, and local NGOs to develop community-based suicide prevention initiatives.

Innovative Tools and Approaches

  • Digital Tools:
    • Online mental health resources, including self-help tools and telehealth platforms, provide access to support in remote areas.
    • AI-driven monitoring of social media to identify individuals at risk of suicide.
  • Community-Based Interventions:
    • Gatekeeper training programs educate teachers, community leaders, and healthcare workers to recognize and intervene in suicide risks.
    • Peer-support networks provide emotional and psychological assistance in schools and workplaces.

Additional Insights

  • Cultural Considerations:
    • Suicide remains a taboo topic in Kazakhstan, influenced by traditional beliefs and cultural stigma, which hinder open discussions about mental health.
    • Family and community structures play a vital role in emotional and psychological support.
  • Research and Data Gaps:
    • Comprehensive data on suicide rates among marginalized populations, such as LGBTQIA+ individuals and ethnic minorities, is limited.
    • Underreporting due to stigma and lack of awareness remains a challenge.
  • Positive Developments:
    • Increased government focus on mental health, combined with international collaboration and innovative digital tools, demonstrates progress in addressing suicide prevention.


  1. Kazakhstan Ministry of Health. (n.d.). National Mental Health Program Overview. Retrieved from
  2. World Bank. (2019). Kazakhstan – Suicide Mortality Rate (per 100,000 Population). Retrieved from
  3. World Health Organization. (n.d.). Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in Kazakhstan. Retrieved from
  4. UNICEF Kazakhstan. (n.d.). Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing. Retrieved from
  5. “Zhinel, Senemiz!” Campaign. (n.d.). Public Awareness Initiatives in Kazakhstan. Retrieved from