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Safe Life Guide Mobile Application
Capture Hope, Build Resilience on a Learning Platform for Suicide Prevention and Wellbeing. Capture HOPE using an Acceptance and Comittment Therapy intervention and stay SAFE using Solution Focused Therapy intervention. In addition there are a range of trackers (Alchol Diary, Mood Diary, Medication History, Safety Tracker, Habit Maker and Tracker) and resources to support your recovery.

Healing for Healers Luanched on World Suicide Prevention Day 2023
Listen to the PROTECT Podcast

New release on Amazon
Suicide Prevention Training

We can do better. Every 40 seconds a life is lost to suicide while one in four people are struggling with mental health challenges (WHO). We all have a part to play in reducing suicide and supporting those who are struggling. Knowledge is the light that can eradicate the darkness of stigma. At we have a range of suicide prevention training programs that have been built to meet the needs of professionals and the larger community. Our courses cover a broad range. Some are targeted towards creating a resilient community, they establish facts and fiction, simple but effective dos and don’ts and last only an hour. Other provide advanced suicide and self-harm risk assessment and management programs for experienced mental health professionals lasting up to 3 days.
PROTECT Guidebook + Workbook

The antithesis of suicide’s promise of pain relief, is the healing hope of human compassion and connection. Founded on this principle of Relational Safety, PROTECT is a new dawn in the practice of assets based recovery oriented care for people in suicidal distress. When seeking out the source of pain, PROTECT transcends the deficits focus of “what’s the matter with you” to “what matters to you”, a novel mindset that unlocks the true potential in both the professional and the person, to chip away at the pain and/or raise their tolerance…
The author, Dr Manaan Kar Ray, a leader and innovator in Mental Health Crisis Care, trained as a Psychiatrist in Oxford and then served for a decade as a Director in Cambridge. Currently the Director of Mental Health Services at Princes Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, he is passionate about transforming the clinical practice of suicide prevention. PROTECT combines the latest research with person centred practice from the internationally acclaimed initiatives he has led. This illustrated, 2 in 1 compilation of the guidebook and workbook, is an essential read for mental health professionals and provides both the essential and advanced competencies in suicide prevention.
Three Modules, 17 Chapters, 250 pages packed with the theoretical underpinnings for practice change.
110 pages of interactive exercises to provide progress to practice and keep the training interactive.
2 in 1 Compilation
Combining the Guidebook and Workbook into one compilation, this is the essential read.
Complex theoretical concepts made simple so that all health professionals can apply the training. 260 pages packed with knowledge and interactive exercises.
Healing for Healers
The 40 page booklet provides important concepts to consider and practical skills to practice to aid healing after a health professional has lost a patient to suicide.
Illustrated Books: The suicide prevention textbook is in full colour and full of intuitive illustrations that make the concepts easier to grasp. The book has been designed to simplify complexity of care provided to a person in suicidal distress.
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What's happening in the world of mental health
19 | Creep Crash Crawl
18 | AWARE 5 – Experience
G4 | Dr Miguel de Seixas ~ From Vietnam with Love
17 | AWARE 4 – Agenda & Resources
16 | AWARE 3 – Weighting
G3 | Shazzy Tharby – Navigating Suicidal Crisis in Autistic People
What students said about courses they attended?

Intensive Simulation Training
The 7 SAFE Steps role plays initially were fairly intimidating, but as the day went this built up my confidence. Having real time feedback and learning from the demonstrations and the others in the group was invaluable. I now have a long list of things that I should do and not do.

Consultant Psychiatrist
“AWARE helped me think about my own attitudes that I hold towards people in suicidal distress and how that impacts my clinical decision making as well as the way in which I supervise my juniors.”

Clinical Nurse Specialist
“ 1-2-7 is a simple but effective tool, it will change the way in which I approach the safety planning discussion. It ha helped me think about safety in a broader way and all the resources that I can pull on to support a person in suicidal distress. Strongly recommend it to everyone.”

“ The speed dating session in which we practiced the pain relief conversation was a real eye opener. Just saying the same words 5 times to 5 different colleagues within 5 minutes pushed up my skill levels significantly – just feel more confident talking about a person’s psychological pain and calling it for what it is. ”

Peer Worker
“ I wanted to skip DESPAIR and wanted to jump to ASPIRE, but going through the whole course in a systematic way brought home the importance of doing a thorough assessment and gaining an understanding of risk – DESPAIR looks straight forward even for those with lived experience to think about risk while supporting someone who is feeling suicidal.”

Consultant Psychiatrist
“ Since I have been exposed to the PROTECT framework at WPA in Mexico, I can only think of it when it comes to teaching people about risk of suicide and self harm, it has been absolutely transformative for my clinical practice ”

Occupational Therapist
“ I found the educational sessions inspiring and it has rejuvenated me, striking the fine balance between risk and recovery is challenging and draining, but the care compass really makes it easy to conceptualize and talk through with a patient. ”
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